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Progress 90%

But wait ... we have one more special offer...

Haumea has offered to release a few  

30 min VIP 1:1 sessions

with special pricing for

Awakening Beyond Your Trauma participants ONLY

$289 (reg. $555)

(limit 20)

Add a 30 min 1:1 w/ Haumea to my order

Every purchased session contributes to Equity Scholarships for Indigenous Leaders, Wisdom Keepers & New Earth Movement Leaders...Thank you!!!
No, thanks.

This VIP single session is usually available by invitation only. 

A limited number of sessions are being released to ABYT participants. 

Session appointments are available between April 1st - July 30th

This is a Gift from Creatrix Spirit and Haumea to provide the support and upleveling required during these Awakening Times…in service to Humanity and Earth’s Evolution.We will enter the portal via the current or significant challenge/issue you would like help with. You may think of that dang thing that keeps dogging you no matter how much self growth you've done around it. It probably limits your success, impact, finances or relationships. Grrrrr. Amongst other Cosmic Detective Work...I will ask “Is This Yours?”

For 99% of the clients I’ve worked with…their Biggest Current Challenge or Issue had elements that WERE NOT EVEN THEIRS…causing them to be STUCK on the Challenge, unable to move beyond it. (We’ll identify how much is yours and is not yours...and clear/evolve this energy)Over the course of 4 decades, I've carefully studied 1000's of sensitive, magical beings and have the unique ability to see how you are Divinely Designed. I will detect and relay important aspects of your unique design and operating system so you can utilize what works for YOU, no longer comparing yourself to some formula that doesn't apply to you.

Then...Allow yourself to be loved and seen as never before. As the Divine Being you are, on assignment.You will receive messages from your Soul and Mighty Allies in the Unseen Realms. New Innerstandings have the ability to be deeply transformative and healing.You will also be CONNECTED to some that have waited EONs for this time and occasion. You may have heard the expression that "Connections are Everything." Guess what? There is Big Truth in that. You will receive a recording of this session so you can be fully present and don't have to take notes. Many clients report that re-watching/listening the session is like receiving multiple sessions - the energy clearing continue to build and the new innerstandings land even deeper. Indeed, I use spiritual technology with the recordings so that when you watch/listen again, it's as if you are live and receiving exactly what you need at the new now moment.

The work begins as soon as you book. Be supported with Love and Protection uniquely designed just for YOU. In our session time together, it is 25-35 laser minutes of extremely powerful and efficient work - not really measurable in Earth time. It took me decades of life or death scenarios and ambitious experimentation by necessity to come to this level of mastery. It used to take years of intensive clearings to do what can now be done in one session.Until recently I was only allowed to do one of these session every few days because it took me 2 days or more to recover.

Grace has seen to it that recovery time often quicker now. It is my joy that more purpose-driven Earth Angels can be supported with this work now. However, I am still limited to only a few sessions/wk. 

30 min VIP 1:1 special pricing for Awakening Beyond Your Trauma participants $369 (reg. $555) (Limit 20)

Add 30 min 1:1 w/ Haumea to my order

Every purchased session contributes to Equity Scholarships for Indigenous Leaders, Wisdom Keepers & New Earth Movement Leaders...Thank you!!!

What people are saying about their VIP 1:1 sessions

"I would definitely say it's energetic surgery. It feels like I had a procedure where stuff had to be removed from me. Just like in many physical surgeries, bacterias, tissue overgrowth, etc...In order to get our quality of life, we need to help the body's structure by takin stuff out so the body can keep going in a kore balanced way. In this case, is soul and energy body surgery. Holographic and energetic surgery performed by a special team and with all those involved. Ancestral, generational and collective. This work is so unique. " - Yuritzi

Whatever a person is coming to you with, they are going to be coming to good hands. I feel trust and deep safety and in deep love with your work. It’s so profound and such high integrity with so much light. It’s healing, but it’s faster healing. It’s clear. It’s fast. It’s easy. It’s effortless. It’s graceful.” – Erika


“This is a subtle experience but it is more powerful than anything else I’ve experienced. It continues to unwind for a while. Be prepared to go deep.” – Devon